Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blog Premiere

In general, if there’s something “everybody’s doing,” then I try my best to avoid that thing, unless of course, I manage to be one of the first. However, on occasion I find I must do that very thing which is in itself distasteful, yet frustratingly tempting. And so I blog.

Since I must do what I might not wish to do (because everyone and their brother is doing the same thing), then I will endeavor to do said dreadful and lemming-like thing in a different way.

Sunshine and Little Debbies make me happy. But true happiness strikes like lightening. You might be expecting it, but you cannot predict which moment it will hit. Or where. Or how.

I wish you a moment today; a moment of happiness, whether caused by Little Debbie snack cakes or a lotto win or a smile flashed just for you. Look for it. Seriously, look for it.

And look for my next blog post—I’ll start in earnest then.

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!! The web site is refreshing and inviting. I'll be stopping by from time to time :)
